I want know what do students in buuic think about BUUIC? Question that I got 10 questions,there are 1.Teacher at BUUIC are kind. 2.A food at canteen is clean. 3.All students at BUUIC always speak English. 4.All students at BUUIC always go to library. 5.All students at BUUIC respect teachers. 6.All student at BUUIC come to class on time. 7.Almost student at BUUIC drive a car come to college. 8.Almost student at BUUIC use a smart phone. 9.All students at BUUIC have a dictionary book. 10.A toliet at BUUIC is clean.
By a surveys from a student in BUUIC,Students about 80% are agree with a question teachers at BUUIC are kind.